
PPP with Reuters Market Light


Reuters Market Light Information Services Pvt Ltd (RML ISPL partnered with GIZ in the mGrameen Sochna project . The project is looking to extend an SMS-based information service to small-scale farmers in remote areas of Uttarakhand.

Reuters Market Light Information Services Pvt Ltd (RML ISPL) is a company promoted by Thomson Reuters (thomsonreuters.com) and IvyCap Ventures (ivycapventures.com ). RML partnered with GIZ in the mGrameen Sochna project . The project is looking to extend an SMS-based information service to small-scale farmers in remote areas of Uttarakhand. Making use of the latest information and communication technologies, the service provides farmers with information relevant to their agricultural production. This will decrease information asymmetry of farmers with better market linkages and result in a higher bargaining power, profitability and productivity. At the same time, RML will be able to increase its customer base and successfully enter a new geographic market. Farmers will be given hand holding and training on how to use the service, as there is little previous knowledge and the educational level is rather low. Local organisations and stakeholders are incorporated into the structure of the service as users and as partners for generating relevant information.

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