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German Consulate General Bengaluru
Achim Burkart, Consul General
Since I came to Bengaluru in 2020, I have experienced the two fascinating South Indian states of Karnataka and Kerala as an emerging, dynamic and diverse region full of business ideas, creativity and wonderful people.
+91 80 45 30 01 00 // Service hotline for visa queries (Monday to Thursday 2 pm to 3:30 pm): +91 80 45 56 01 11
Emergency number outside opening hours
+91 96 63 57 11 14 (for German citizens only, no visa queries!) Monday to Friday: from close of business until 10 pm. Saturday, Sundays and holidays: 9 am to 10 pm. From 10 pm to 12 am/midnight: Embassy New Delhi (+91 98 10 00 49 50).