
Information pursuant to section 82 (1) sentence 6 of the Residence Act (AufenthG) – Requirement to inform of any change of employer or employment status

23.08.2024 - Article

Holders of an EU Blue Card are required to inform the competent foreigners authority of any change of employer and any changes affecting the conditions for granting a card (e.g. change in salary relevant for salary thresholds, change in employment affecting commensurateness with their qualification, change of job) within the first 12 months of taking up employment on the basis of the EU Blue Card. If the card holder fails to provide this information or does not provide it on time, this can lead to the EU Blue Card being revoked (c.f. section 52 (2b) of the Residence Act). The information is provided on time if it is submitted without culpable hesitation after the relevant changes have occurred. By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understood the above information.

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Applicant’s signature

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