
Additional questionnaire for applications (spouse visa) filed via VFS

23.08.2024 - Article

Dear applicant In order to allow the visa section to process your application swiftly, please answer the following questions concerning your marriage in English. Please note that the visa section reserves the right to invite you to an individual interview at the visa section itself. Please note the in case of documents (marriage and / or birth certificates) not issued by German authorities a further document verification might be deemed necessary either by the visa section or the alien authority in Germany. You will be contacted by the visa section directly upon receipt of your application if such a verification process has to be done.

Name, Surname (as stated in your passport)

Date of birth

When did you get married?

Which religion do you belong to (e.g. Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, Jain etc.)

If Ravidassia: Ravidassia Sikh or Ravidassia Hindu?

Which religion does your spouse belong to (e.g. Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, Jain etc.)

If Ravidassia: Ravidassia Sikh or Ravidassia Hindu?

Has either one of you converted to another religion?

Has either one of you been married before?

Were both of you present at the wedding?

How old were you and your spouse at the time of the marriage?
How many guests attended the wedding?

Is it an arranged marriage?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes: Who arranged the marriage?

Only in case of marriage according to Special marriage Act: When was the notice of marriage issued?

Additional questions for religious marriages

What were the important rituals performed during the ceremony?

Did the marriage take place in a temple / gurudwara / mosque / church? If no, then where?

Who registered the marriage?

In case the time-span between marriage date and registration date is more than 6 months: why was the registration delayed?

Additional Remarks you would like to give

Place and date

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