
Voluntary service

24.07.2024 - Article

Before filling out the application form and booking an appointment, please prepare 2 identical sets of the following documentation for your visa:

  • Valid passport (issued within the last 10 years; passports with observations on the front data page cannot be accepted) with at least two empty pages
  • Application form & declaration (in accordance with Section 54 of the Residence Act) duly signed (2 copies)
  • Declaration regarding additional contact and legal representation information (2 copies)
  • Copy of your passport’s data page (A4 size copy) (2 copies)
  • Letter of motivation detailing expectations, German language skills, anticipated career and personal benefits and plans for the future (2 copies)
  • Curriculum vitae (2 copies)
  • Contract/Agreement for your voluntary service in Germany (2 copies) detailing the contract parties, contract duration, type of voluntary service, concrete activity/project, place of work and remuneration
  • Please note that voluntary service applicants generally need to receive 812 Euros per month (cash and non-cash benefits) excluding insurance, as of 2023. If free accommodation is provided, a remuneration of 452 Euros is sufficient. If both accommodation and board are free, a remuneration of 302 Euros is sufficient.
    If applicable, please provide a confirmation stating explicitly that accommodation and / or board are free of cost.
  • Bundesfreiwilligendienst, including weltwärts: contract/agreement signed by you, the German Federal Office of Family Affairs and Civil Society Functions (Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben), the assignment location, their central office and – if applicable – the provider organising the voluntary service (Träger)
  • Youth Voluntary Services, including Voluntary Social Service Year (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, FSJ) and Voluntary Ecological Service Year (Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr, FÖJ): contract/agreement signed by you, the provider organising the voluntary service and – if applicable – the assignment location
  • European Voluntary Service (EVS/EFD): contract signed by you, one of the national Erasmus+ Jugend in Aktion agencies and the coordinating organisation + agreement on tasks and planned outcome signed by you and the coordinating organization
  • If applicable (only BFD, weltwärts, FSJ and FÖJ): proof of basic knowledge of the German language or written confirmation by the assignment location/the provider stating that you are not required to have German language skills or that you will attend German classes during the voluntary service
  • 3 passport photos complying with biometric specifications, not older than 6 months
  • Visa fee of 75 euro payable in INR only (please check our website for payment options and applicable exchange rate)
  • Travel health insurance valid on arrival in Germany to the start of the voluntary service (kindly click here to know more about the travel health insurances accepted)

Please prepare two identical application sets with the above-mentioned documents and bring your original documents along. Please DO NOT staple any documents.

Please note that the German Missions reserve the right to ask for additional documents or the verification of certificates, for which additional fees would be charged.

Submission of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee that a visa is granted.

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