
Information on legal actions for visa

27.01.2025 - Article

If you wish to challenge a decision rejecting your application for a visum, carefully read the instructions therein (Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung). They contain information on the applicable legal action, the competent authority for such action and the time-limit for filing it.

Here are some FAQs:

Will the Administrative Court Berlin provide information on the reasons for my rejection?
No. The court did not issue the decision and will examine whether it complies with the law only upon filing legal action.

Will the Administrative Court Berlin provide advice on the legal action I should take?
No. The court may and will not give any legal advice which action you should take.

What can I do at the Office for Filing Legal Actions (Rechtsantragstelle) at the Administrative Court Berlin?
You may file legal action at the Rechtsantragstelle. However, it does not provide any information on the reasons for the rejection of the visum or legal advice on the appli-cable legal action. Please arrange an appointment by telephone: +49 (030) 9014 8602 (Monday through Friday 9am–1 pm).

Do I need an attorney to file legal action at the Administrative Court Berlin?

Which information must an application for legal action contain?
The application must be in German and should contain the parties‘ full address, the legal basis and reasons for filing the application and a copy of the challenged deci-sion. If you do not live in Germany, it is advisable to authorize a person to receive communications from the court and give this person’s adress in the application.

Can I file legal action via email?
No. If you have a digital signature you may file action using the Electronic Court and Administration Inbox (EGVP). If you do not, the action should be filed in written form by means of postal service or fax.
For further information see https://www.berlin.de/gerichte/verwaltungsgericht/kon-takt/

What are the fees for filing legal action?
For information on the court fees see https://www.berlin.de/gerichte/verwaltungsge-richt/service/kosten-und-prozesskostenhilfe/

How long does it take until the court reaches a decision?
The duration of the court proceedings depends on the individual case.

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