
Small Scale Projects


For many years, the German Missions in developing countries have successfully been operating the programme 'Small Scale Projects' – sometimes referred to as 'micro projects'. The projects are funded by the Federal Foreign Office. Small Scale Projects address the needs of the underprivileged parts of society, alongside the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a clear focus on “helping people to help themselves” and aiming at funding a sustainable improvement of living conditions.

The German Consulate General in Kolkata runs a programme for small scale cooperation projects in the Indian States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Tripura and West Bengal.

Requirements for small-scale project grants include a sizeable number of beneficiaries, that it is possible to implement and complete the project within a period of a few months and a partnership contribution by the implementing organization. Generally, project proposals should be submitted to the Consulate General by the end of each year to be considered for funding the following year. The announcement for the successful applications is usually within the first quarter of the following year.

Due to availability of limited funds, unfortunately we cannot take every project into consideration. Furthermore, only the selected project partners will be contacted. Unfortunately, due to limited resources, application submission and rejection acknowledgement information cannot be sent.

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