
National Visa - Tuition Fees and Blocked Account

24.08.2022 - Article

We would like to circulate two important clarifications regarding the procedure for national visa applications.

FIRST, the BaFöG regulations in Germany have changed on 01.08.2022.
The following group of applicants is affected by this update:

- all students

How does this concern the visa procedure?
The required amount for the blocked account for all student applications will be increased to 934,00 EUR per month , i.e. 11,208 EUR per year with effect from 1st October 2022 onwards.

Why have they increased the amount?
The cost of living in Germany has risen in the past couple of years. In order to be able to finance your stay in Germany sufficiently, the amount of the blocked account has also been increased. Thus, your stay in Germany should not be hindered by financial challenges. Your blocked account according to the new amount should be sufficient to cover your expenses for the first year of study. This excludes tuition fees.
My appointment is still in August. Which amount is required?
-> The required amount for your blocked account is still 861,00 EUR per month, i.e. 10,332 EUR per year.

My appointment is in September. Which amount is required?
-> The required amount for your blocked account is still 861,00 EUR per month, i.e. 10,332 EUR per year.

My appointment is in October or later. Which amount is required?
-> The required amount for your blocked account is 934,00 EUR per month, i.e. 11,208 EUR per year.
Once you are in Germany, you will have to prove the increased sum in the blocked account to the Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde) for 2023.
SECOND, the requirement of paying tuition fees stay the same.
The following group of applicants is affected by this update:

- students who intend to study at universities with tuition fees

In general, for each national application the applicant has to proof that he*she is able to secure his*her livelihood according to § 5 (1) No. 1 in conjunction with § 2 (3) Residence Act. This means to cover all living expenses throughout one year; like rent, food, etc. The said requirement is usually fulfilled by handing in a blocked account of a recognised institute with the above-mentioned sum.“
Additionally, the applicant needs to prove the coverage of tuition fees for the first year of studies, i.e. first two semesters. It is mandatory to submit confirmation of payment for the same. Please note that the blocked account cannot be used to cover the tuition fees! If your university requires you to pay tuition fees, the visa section needs to be able to see whether you have obliged or not. This is crucial to the decision whether your intended purpose of stay (study) is credible.
The following documents are acceptable as proof for the same:
• Transfer the (remaining) tuition fees for the first year in total to the university OR
• Provide an education loan of at least the same sum OR
• Add at least the same sum as unblocked deposit to your blocked account.

Please bear in mind that this information does not pertain to Schengen visa applications.

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