
Termination of the remonstration proceedure

06.12.2023 - Article

Termination of the remonstration proceedure

The following group of applicants is affected by this update:
- Applicants whose Schengen or national visa applications have been rejected and wish to appeal against the decision

Starting 01.01.2024, Schengen and national visa applicants will no longer have the opportunity to have their rejected visa application reassessed (Remonstration) by the visa section free of cost. By introducing this measure, we hope to offer a quicker and more efficient visa procedure for all applicants. The time that we save by discontinuing the Remonstration option will be used to decide fresh visa applications and hopefully reduce the waiting times for appointments as well.

1. What other options do I have if I don’t think my rejection was lawful?
Within one month after receiving the rejection letter, applicants have the option of having the decision reviewed by filing a formal complaint with the Berlin Administrative Court.

Furthermore, you can submit a new visa application, which will be reviewed by the Consulate irrespective of a previous rejection.

2. Can I remonstrate after 1 January 2024, if I received my rejection before that date?
For such cases, it is possible to remonstrate against a rejection even beyond 01.01.2024 as long as the option is mentioned in the rejection letter.

For Schengen visa applications please note:
We urge all applicants to strictly follow the relevant checklists. A high number of denials is based on incomplete documentation. As also mentioned in our checklists – neither are we obliged nor do we have the capacities to ask for documents that are already mentioned on our detailed checklists.
Therefore, we urge all applicants and inviting parties to carefully read our checklists and ensure that only complete applications are submitted!

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